Top of front page of New Orleans "States" newspaper for Sunday, 2 January 1916 |
maybe you are a Leaper. Both terms actually mean one and the same thing. A Leapean
or Leaper is a person born on February 29, leap day. It is only during leap
years when the Gregorian calendar registers an extra (intercalary) day in
February. Otherwise, February only has 28 days. If you haven't heard yet, 2012
is a leap year!
year is a fun year. A woman is given the license to be bold and seek the hand
in marriage of the man she fancies. The man is not obliged to say yes unless he
wants to. But saying no has its consequences both for the man and the woman.
2012, the next leap year is 2016. So get to know more about this quadrennial
event to better prepare you for its next occurrence.
the leap year?
per the Gregorian calendar, each year has 365 days. The planet Earth turns on
its axis 365 times before it fully orbits its star, the sun. The Gregorian
calendar is a solar calendar and each year is a solar year. But the fact is,
the Earth does not really turn 365 times. Rather, each year, the third planet
from the sun turns at an approximate rate of 365.25 times on its axis. So there
are 365-1/4 days in each solar year.
the Gregorian calendar to catch up to this scientific fact, it was decided that
every 4 years, an additional day should be added – February 29, making that
particular year 366 days instead of 365. Technically, this makes any year that
is evenly divisible by 4 a leap year and that year will have 366 days.
there is an exception to this divisibility rule owing to the fact that a solar
year is actually even less than 365-1/4 days. Not all years that are divisible
by 100 can be considered leap years unless these years could also be divided
evenly by 400. For instance, 1900 was not a leap year but 2000 was. 2100 will
not be leap year but 2400 will be a leap year. A lot of arithmetical and
algorithmic computations went into these rules and exceptions just to make sure
which years needed that one extra day in February.
over a day
concept of leaping comes in when you look at when a particular calendar date
would fall within a week. If December 25 falls on a Friday and the following
year is not a leap year, Christmas day will fall on a Saturday that succeeding
year. But if the following year is a leap year, you will be greeting people
"Merry Christmas" on a Monday instead.
2010, Christmas was on a Saturday. The following year, it was on a Sunday
because 2011 was not a leap year. This year is a leap year. And Christmas will
be on a Tuesday instead of a Monday. In 2013, not a leap year, Christmas will
be on a consecutive day of the week, Wednesday.
called it "ladies’ choice" while others called it "ladies'
privilege." These terms simply mean that during leap years in certain
countries like Ireland, women were given the privilege to go up to a man and
propose marriage. This tradition, dating back about 400 years ago, was believed
to have involved two Irish saints – St. Bridget and St. Patrick. St. Bridget
made a deal with St. Patrick allowing females to propose marriage to males
every 4 years. It was to balance out the traditional male-female roles, or so
sources say.
who say no to women proposing marriage to them were "required" to
give the women either a kiss or a silk gown, but only if the women wore red
petticoats when they asked the question. In some European countries, men were
required to give spurned women 12 pairs of gloves. Why gloves? To hide the fact
that the spurned ladies had no engagement rings on their fingers. It was one
way to hide the embarrassment from prying eyes.
the Philippines, leap year is the time when a man might find himself getting
duped into marrying a woman he is not quite ready to marry or even uninterested
in. This unfortunate situation is called "pikot." "Napikot"
meant the man was forced into an untimely union.
29 = bad luck or misfortune. Couples tend not to get married during leap years
and especially during leap days in Greece. While in Scotland, February 29 is
like Friday the 13th. The Scots believe that it is unlucky for one to be born
on this extra day.
truly unique birth date
leap day, February 29, generally comes only once every four years. It is
considered a very special day by people born one this date. Persons born on
this date celebrate their birthdays only during years when February has an
extra day beyond the 28th. Otherwise, they get to choose whether to celebrate
on February 28 or March 1. For many Leapeans, it makes more sense to celebrate
their birthdays on the 1st of March because it comes right the last day of
technically have 75% fewer birthdays compared to those who were not born on
February 29. Once upon a time, it was believed that Leapean infants were harder
to raise and prone to medical conditions. Even crops that were planted during
leap years were given a bad rap. A long time ago, farmers believed that certain
crops (like peas and beans) would not grow properly. According to one source,
Scots had a saying that says something like "it was never a good sheep
year when it was a leap year."
who are proud to be Leapeans can join the "Honor Society of Leap Year
Babies." The group behind the society wants to promote awareness regarding
leap years and be a venue where Leapeans can connect with their fellow February
29 celebrators. The society has roughly 10,000 member Leapeans to date.
you may know
· Pope Paul III (1948) - last
Renaissance pope
John Byrom (1692) - English poet and hymnist, invented shorthand system
Gioacchino Rossini (1792) - Italian composer of William Tell and The
Barber of Seville
· Antonio Guzman Blanco (1828)
- Venezuelan president
Herman Hollerith (1860) - American statistician and inventor of the
electric tabulating machine
· Stanley Swash (1896) -
Woolworths CEO
William A. Wellman (1896) - American movie director whose film
"Wings" won the very first Oscar Best Picture Award
Jimmy Dorsey (1094) - Saxophonist, songwriter, composer and conductor
· Leonard S. Shoen (1916) -
Founder of U-Haul rental system
Dinah Shore (1916) - American singer, actress and talk show host
· Carlos Humberto Romero
(1924) - El Salvadorian president
Dennis Farina (1944) - American actor
· Gonzalo Lira (1968) -
Chilean-American filmmaker and novelist
Antonio Sabato, Jr. (1972) - Italian-born American actor
Ja Rule (1976) - American rapper
many, many more.
Dawn's leaptionary
Dawn, born on a leap day, co-founded the Society for Leapeans. She is also said
to be the woman behind the leaptionary, a dictionary of leap year related
words. Here are just some of the words you will find in her leaptionary:
Leapean, Leaper, leapy - person born on February 29
- infant Leapean
- a female Leapean
- a male Leapean
and LeapGramp - grandmother and grandfather, respectively, of a Leapean
- person not born on leap day
- a Leapean's sleepover birthday party
- an Irish Leapean
day and leap year celebrations are going on all over the world. If you don't
have an event to go to, make one! If you know a Leapean, make sure he or she
celebrates her special day to the hilt.
next leap day is in 4 years. This gives women more than enough time to muster
the courage to ask the men of their dreams to marry them. Men on the other hand
have to make sure that they marry the right women ASAP before someone else asks
them on the next leap day. Leapeans can start planning a grand celebration for
their next true birth date. Non-Leapeans can also plan their own fun leap day
events. A leap year and its corresponding intercalary day is something anyone
can look forward to and have fun with, whether he or she is a Leapean, a leapy
or a Leaper.
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